Christina Szegedi Choreographer Artist Dancer Teacher Coach Choreography Visual Art Teaching Yoga

Living Artfully

A space to move & create, and appreciate the arts

Christina Szegedi is a multidisciplinary creative. Her work spans Choreography, performance, Creative Direction, Visual Arts, Sound Design, Dance & Yoga Teaching and Coaching..

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collection archive

The collection archive

The Water Collection

Original Paintings on Canvas

The collection archive

The Earth Collection

Original Paintings on Canvas

Christina’s embodied artistry inspires my soul’s desire to experience its fullest expression...In the space she creates, we can hear our own wise voice that calls us forward into our brightest potential.


Liebe Christina, die Coaching-Sessions mit Dir waren mir immer wieder eine Stütze. Du bist eine sehr, sehr große Inspirationsquelle und ein riesiges Vorbild für mich. Deine hellsichtigen Bemerkungen und Einblicke waren und sind für meine Entwicklung von großem wertvollem Nutzen.

Inessa von der Grün

The holistic fusion of beauty, peace, adventure, movement, creativity, and inner wisdom flows into every area of Living Artfully. Christina creates art in the very same way: with passion

Joy Spencer
Precious moments &

Artful Musings

For looks behind the scenes follow me on Instagram